People have strong feelings about Bernie Sanders. I’m often taken aback by those who say they hate him, much the way I find Hillary hatred befuddling. I guess I’m rare in that I like both of them, though my view of capitalism has for some time been much more aligned with Bernie than Hillary.
In his new book, “It’s Ok To Be Angry About Capitalism” Bernie lays out the utter immorality and indecency of American capitalism today, which he calls “uber capitalism.” I often call it “late stage” capitalism. We are both referring to a form of capitalism that is untethered to basic decency.
Sanders hones in on an important point that he has made before: It’s impossible to be truly free without economic security. As I noted in a piece for CNN:
Sanders has said over the years that he sees Scandinavia’s generous social safety nets as a model of the kind of system he supports. In his book, he emphasizes an inspiration closer to home: President Franklin Delano Roosevelt — in particular, FDR’s insi…